A goddess use of spirituality...lesson 2

A goddess use of spirituality...lesson 2

How we recognize..using the body..where the energetic blocks are..and how we unblock it ....

As i sad...chakras are energetic centers.....are 7....all aligned like the spine.....

All this centers are creating vibrations....Hz.....and flowing in to our body throw meridians.....exactlly like the planet Earth....

How to recognize in what center you have the energetic blocks? Through pain.....body its showing you.....

The 1th center...is root chakra....if you have the pain or an illness bond to your circulatory system, spine, legs, arms., pain of your genital organs, and intestin,stomach......be sure that the energy is not flowing well in this center

Or you can understand the blocks throw your emotional system.like...if you feel anxious about your surviving, you feel unsecured, you feel the need to compete, regrets, frustrations, anger.....this all can be sings that the root chakra is blocked

The 2 th energetic center...is sacral chakra....is bond to the pain of kidneys, problems with our immunity system, bowels, lungs, muscular spasms...or from the emotional side.....greediness, obsessions, hate, jealousy, anxiety's bond to age, to abandon,  the fear of losing money, unconfidence, possessiveness ..all this are showing that your sacral chakra is stuck

The 3th energetic center...solar plexus chakra....is bond to pain or illnesses of digestive tract, pancreas, liver, skin, problem with glycemy and with digestion.....or on emotional part you confront a low self-esteem, self-worth and a low self-confidence.

The 4th energetic center.....heart chakra....is bond to pain or illnesses of heart, thymus, breathing system....or on emotional part ,feelings like panic, emotional sensitivity, issues in trust and believing, going fast from desperation to extaz....

The 5th center....throat chakra...pain or illnesses of thyroid, teeth, vocal cords and maybe respiratory system...and on emotional part...issues on communication, self-expression of feelings and saying the truth.

The 6th energetic center....third eye chakra....illnesses or pain bond to sinuses, eyes, pituitary gland, brain,..on emotional side, issues bond to ability to think and make decisions, wisdom, imagination, intuition, focus and concentration...

The 7th energetic center......crown chakra.....body issues.....pineal gland, nervous system and the brain....and on the emotional side issues bond to inner and outer beauty, connection to spirituality, pure bliss

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