Kattana Black Goddess Blog

A goddess use spirituality...lesson 4

A goddess use spirituality...lesson 4

How to unblock the energetic centers..... As i sad in the lesson 3...for unblocking thouse energetic centers we use some tools...base on our basic sensses...and in the lesson 3 i...

A goddess use spirituality...lesson 4

How to unblock the energetic centers..... As i sad in the lesson 3...for unblocking thouse energetic centers we use some tools...base on our basic sensses...and in the lesson 3 i...

A goddess use of spirituality...Lesson 3

A goddess use of spirituality...Lesson 3

How we unblock the energetic centers...... Ok...so guys..in lessons 1-2 we identify the chakras or energetic blocks where the energy is not flowing in the right way or where are...

A goddess use of spirituality...Lesson 3

How we unblock the energetic centers...... Ok...so guys..in lessons 1-2 we identify the chakras or energetic blocks where the energy is not flowing in the right way or where are...

A goddess use of spirituality...lesson 2

A goddess use of spirituality...lesson 2

How we recognize..using the body..where the energetic blocks are..and how we unblock it .... As i sad...chakras are energetic centers.....are 7....all aligned like the spine..... All this centers are creating...

A goddess use of spirituality...lesson 2

How we recognize..using the body..where the energetic blocks are..and how we unblock it .... As i sad...chakras are energetic centers.....are 7....all aligned like the spine..... All this centers are creating...

A goddess use of spirituality....so...Lesson 1

A goddess use of spirituality....so...Lesson 1

Some efficient easy information about how to recognize where we have the energetic blocks I'm a goddess in domination, master in fetish and a dark healer yes...even if you say...

A goddess use of spirituality....so...Lesson 1

Some efficient easy information about how to recognize where we have the energetic blocks I'm a goddess in domination, master in fetish and a dark healer yes...even if you say...

Emotions......life is about emotions

Emotions......life is about emotions

Emotions are life.....and we can't control the emotions, but we can control the thoughts who create those emotions..... In my evolution....i understand that life is about emotions....ok, was not actually...

Emotions......life is about emotions

Emotions are life.....and we can't control the emotions, but we can control the thoughts who create those emotions..... In my evolution....i understand that life is about emotions....ok, was not actually...

Let s have this discussion again.....about responsibilities of a goddess

Let s have this discussion again.....about resp...

Grrrrr.... I start in the last blog to talk about this but i trapped myself in thoughts. Deeper then i wanted....so...i stopped..had a smoke......and here i am now.... I start...

Let s have this discussion again.....about resp...

Grrrrr.... I start in the last blog to talk about this but i trapped myself in thoughts. Deeper then i wanted....so...i stopped..had a smoke......and here i am now.... I start...