About Us
Dear visitor,
I don't know you and you don't know me; we probably don't even live in the same country. We look different, you might be older or younger than me, we are simply strangers. But there are some things that connect us, we are human, we have emotions and feelings, a personality that defines us.
I am Kattana Black, a woman who has discovered the world of fetish, a hidden, exciting world where we are free to be. I understand that domination is about leading the other to reach their full potential, to instruct, to encourage, to help, to guide and not to take full control.
I am a woman focused on personal growth and self-awareness, experiencing a growing life full of peace, love and passion. A woman who is inspired to apply dark healing so you can discover your inner light.
I am a Goddess here, when needed.
Kattana Black is a project designed to give everyone a path to personal freedom and to help all those who cannot find their place to find the right one. The basic idea of the project is that all people are unique and can become magnificent if they find their own talent and expose it in a suitable environment. No one and nothing is ordinary, everyone and everything has the right to become extraordinary.
Octavia Ecaterina Berinde and Nektarios Manoukarakis are the creators of this project. Two people who have combined their individual qualities and decided to use them to help others find themselves.