How to unblock the energetic centers.....
As i sad in the lesson 3...for unblocking thouse energetic centers we use some tools...base on our basic sensses...and in the lesson 3 i mentioned yantra,now lets talk about mantras...
Mantras are some specific sound, used for unbloking the energy....its kind of do it....becouse you will start aaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm.....for some sec....or ommmmmmmm...somenting like...but are actually efficient if you are a sound person.
So again...after you identify on what center you are blocked....lesson you can unblock that energetic center using this mantras.....What you have to do,..again go online and search for it...just writte..mantra for....chakra.....becouse in lesson 1-2 you identify it so now you know on what to work....and just do it for 60 sec per day..7 days.....and you are done
More...if you are a sound person..use some meditation songs from youtube on 432 Hz...just type it like this...chose somenting that is relaxing you and are more then 4 hours and just sleep on it....the same..for 7 nights.....and you will see how the magic will happen....ha ha ha...belive me...
Even a not joking.
Another tool...
Mudras....are some positions of your fingers....are combination of touching some energetic points throw the fingers...easy to easy....but its still working.....and again the same story as in mudras..just go and search for it online..find the image with the post of the fingers and just copy it..and keep it like that..putting some pressure on it for 3 min..and relax.....
You can see the mudras in yoga and more funny that you see a lot of mudras in the pictures with the Christian saints....just for your curiosity take a look on the churches walls...and look at the saints will see the even in the religion you have this..but no one talk about it just because everyone forgot the meanings or the details...they used to pray using the mudras in the same time.....logic...and efficient
Or for unblocking your chakras, you can use smells...again search for herbs online and start smelling......or go and search for diff post of yoga for specific chakra......
You have all ways guys..just go and pick something that its easy for you..and you enjoy to do it...its your choice how you want to unblock your flow of energy..but just do an action..because this human body needs the action ..was created like move and do something
The end.....don't forget....7 days.....and you are done..don't be lazzy