A letter from a sub......the opinion about submissivity from the other side Part 1

A letter from a sub......the opinion about submissivity from the other side Part 1

The view about submission from the other angle....a subs opinion

I will share a letter a sub sent to me....Andrew is a new sub in to my life...the relation between us its at beginning and not an easy one...the time was short so we didn't create the bond yet....

For my Goddess-Thoughts on submission and submissiveness, part 1

At your request my Goddess, I will try and capture in a series of notes, how it feels to me to be submissive, how i believe i came to be this way..where it has taken me, affected me, and where the path might lead.  Is a lot to write about so with your permission, in this note i will offer my thoughts on what being a submissive means to me and leave rest future notes, of course i look forward to your further guidance on any aspect you may wish me to focus on.

For me a submissive is one who submits, gives up control to another, conforms to the will of another. Submission may be willing or unwilling...and doesn't necessarily means in all aspects of life, i can say that my submissive tendencies are limited to the women in my life. Though i am generally quiet and introverted in many ways, with men, i do not feel compelled to submit..nor to dominate, though in my working life i have to be dominant. This is something that has been difficult for me as i am not that way, and feel a fake adoring such a role, but i have made my living that way.

With women it is a very different thing. Merely being in the presence of a woman causes within me a desire to please her. This is true as all women for me, be they dominant or submissive themselves. It is a craving that is a part of my character...a physical need.in pleasing a woman, i feel pleasure, even when what is being asked of me i might not normally wish to do.

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