Basic for a mistress..part 2

Basic for a mistress..part 2

Ok..lets talk about more....

The most important is that you have to be aware that you are talking to a human(even some are acting as animals...hi hi hi....and im not joking..they can de dog or pig slaves..this is called pet slave typology).So...start with a nice talk ....ask about what kind of slave he is..get some information first..these are things that you have to know because you need to know what he wants and expects from you...normally they dont say it....they just expect you to start dominate them...and if you are not offering what they expect...they will consider you not a mistress. Why?..just becouse another one trained them before you..and they presume that all what they did with the first mistress is they search the same always.

All slaves have a fetish....thats considered the fetish..neck fetish...legs fetish....hands fetish.....etc

its important to know this detail because this is the base of your are not here to change the slave..thats actually just a fake idea...he has the fetish...that will never even try to go in other things..will not work...

So...weakness is the base....but in domination is like a black you play with this information that you you start putting him to do..what ever you feel like it and tease him with the fetish he is weak at..not offering it....because if you do that..its end of the game...

Rest is your skills.....

Dont are the you can ask him a lot of things ..all that information use it in your advantage.

Base of a Domination session is...... HUMILIATION.....they all are here for this.That doesn’t mean that you have to treat them bad or to talk dirty to them..nope...just they need to feel under your level...

The best way to humiliate a men is.....his penis and Money.....ha ha this men has the power and if you know how to make fun of this part..then you are on top....


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