BDSM practice...part 2

BDSM practice...part 2

The bond between human frequency,pain ..and BDSM practice

Ok..lets continue

I was explaining the frequency of a human body and how the pain is something that we need as humans just because is the way in which our body creates memory...right?

Now....what a dom is doing?

Domination was always considered the dark part of life....the black part of a human being....and yes it is...but if you pay attention a little and analyze it properly you will change your opinion about i did.

So...a human being needs balance in his life to have a relaxing, peacefull one..right? We all say that the way for getting this balance is practice...bla bla bla..and yes...its a way..but not for all of us...or is for all but just some of us actually reach that neutral state throw all of this.

When a human being starts to reconsider his life..or rethink the life he has...or starts to appreciate it? When?.....ohhhh....just in the moment that he has to confront a trauma...normally...we all need a traumatizing moment in our life to start paying attention and start to appreciate what we have and normally start changing it.....yeap..this is who we are and never changes. Trauma does not means just body an accident or something..trauma can be an emotional negative moment, or a mental one..or or or....even when we lose something can be considered a trauma. what a dom do? Simple...he gives this trauma...for a human..because he needs it....why? simple...for his a controlled mood, safe.....he gives the traumatizing moment just to put the other person in to a neutral state or frequency...sounds logic?ha ha ha..maybe not for all of you.....but trust me..its logic...and real.

Domination use BDSM practice for reboot a reestablish his him a neutral relaxing state..give him peace.

BDSM...has a lot of translations.....but BDSM means..bondage,domination,sadism and masochism.....the base of giving traumas to a human being.... used because the person who is dominated its in a comfort zone..and the dom has to push him out from that tying part is for keep the other person tied because you as dom,you dont know how he will fight back in the moment you start giving him the as dom start to create the hell for the other human of how he needs it...can be..through body pain...can be mental one or emotional one....its unique from a person to another one..its individual.

Sadism and masochism..yes...are the ways for getting the person out from his comfort zone.....i know that sound weird and bad...but actually is not...actually is somenting normal...because is the basic acts for a human body to be pushed out from a state...the stupid comfort zone..who keeps us in the same spot..and not letting us to evolve as humans... BDSM a bad practice? well....from outside looks bad...looks no mercy and its hard to understand why people need just a controlled way....through dont change your reality and dont harm no just give the balance throw a relax and get your peace..after you lived a hell...ha ha ha...but that hell is just for some hours and after you pass it...your life is balanced again...because you are balanced again....

Im not sure that i was able to make you understand the efficiency of this practice...and not for everyone...yes..looks bad...but the base and the idea of actually a good one....


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