Humans have this need to blame someone for this part is something that a goddess has to assume
i know very well that idea about being a goddess seams so.......great....amazing....yeap...but do you actually thought about this before? Did you ever put yourself in a goddess place and just think about it? or not just in a goddess a doms understand all this from the other side? Did you ever tried or just thought about how is to walk everyday in a goddesses shoes? im more then sure that you didn t.......or you did just imagining it as an seeing just one side of the lets have the balance now....lets discuss a little bit about how is to be blamed about is to be judged when things are not working how you is when she says something and you choose not to submit and you fail in front of her......lets have this discussion too.....and see if you really desire to be a goddess...ha ha ha
Reality of things surface you can much power...ohhh so easy..ohhh ohhh ohhh.....but really? Ok that’s right...but first a goddess ended up being one......?????Is just because she looks beautiful? is that what makes her a goddess?....nope.....ok..then what makes her a goddess...from where comes this power.....who gave her this power...and...why her? Was this just....luck?
Luck does not exist in this life...when we justify an good action being a lucky action..thats just because we dont know how happened....we can t explain it..or we don’t want to find an answer for that...because all has an explanation if you are able to analyze and accept the reality.....all has an answer....
So no...she was not an lucky person.....then why? Why a goddess has this confidence and all this knowledge.....
Simple.....she choose to have a hell of a journey....throw hell.....her own hell....confronting her own demons.....and owning the place......this sounds again so epic right? but what all this real words.....?
As everyone..she had a which everyone put a stamp....and she tried exactly like all to please everyone.. because she thought that life is about this.....she suffered yes...exactly like every human being......until one day...when she could not accept anymore...when she thought that life has to be more then this....she could not accept the idea that she is here..just for this...has no she stopped.... she start paying attention about her is her life.....and ok...a good life but still......still can’t be just about has to be has to offer more....and not material has to come with something ....that overwhelms she started her journey......through hell...ha ha ha....Really this is hard to be described in words....
every time i try....i just can’t...are so many details and so.......chaos.......yes this is the word......this journey starts with chaos....all her life...which was organized and comfortable...start to become an chaos......thats the hell....and from that a goddess is born...from chaos.
And can say...ya ya..ok...and she passed all now she is so great....right?
Well not really.....because now she has to deal with herself and the others too....and now its not actually a she is the one who knows how...and she has to assume the responsibility of what she become....and to help the others....and again this sounds so..nice.....but...omg....this is again a hell of a journey.....and now is not doing just for she is doing all that for someone else too...maybe everyday she has to visit the hell.....
Ok..i will stop....because the idea was to explain how this is..but its so...complex that i see i have to find another way to putt al this on papers....this is to much to be understood from outside...i guess just for someone who actually did its easy to understand what im saying here..for rest..are just...stupidities......because when the human mind is not ready to understand all this things...they cant just say..this is to much for no..the human will just go in to blasphemy. And say...ahh this are stupidities....right? ..yeap..