Bondage and domination.......

Bondage and domination.......

Lets talk about this..step by step...i want to share a little about this part to..

So..a part of BDSM..bondage and domination....normally that are bond..tied...ha ha ha

So bondage is used for different things....first you can use it for unstabilize the person..and because of make him feel give him some fears...maybe a little pain.....depends...of what you want to reach through your domination session and of what the other person actually needs.

Bondage can be made through a lot of tools...this is something different from a dom to another one....from ropes to can just use latex bands...or or or..bondage has a lot of forms.....

From my perspective..the best tool for bondage is Andrew cross.....its the best way for rebooting a person...but this is just me..

Domination can be done without bondage part..yes...for low just dont need an Andrew cross....this is for a hard domination important one....

How you dominate a him reboot..???

Through body one option.....its working for the one who actually is not used to body pain...ha ha ha....through different methods..from some simple the hardest..craziest once..but all this is different from a dom to another one.....thats advice for doms are to have the basic knowledge of what they are doing..and before all this...they have to feel the pain what they will cause to the other doms have to practice those tactics first through they own skin...for understanding it.

Another way of giving mental based on mind fuck...ha ha ha..i love to call it like this.....sounds bad? actually it is....a hard one...How you do this...well base of the mind fuck are for this tactics you have to know well the person you are dealing with..and need to create a bond..based on trust....its actually a friendship between the dom and sub...because if the trust is not in....the session will be a chaos...and its not so great to start a chaos in the others head....and non efficient you reach this trust...the simplest way is communication so start talking with the sub,find his weaknesses...his fears..and all that..use all this info’s for creating the mind i love to call the creator of his hell....

Why is the mind fuck efficient...well simple..because you create all the fears mental in the other persons brain..and he will start living it..and get the emotions on it...but after all this hell...the dom will help him to get out from simple..he will put pressure until the sub or whatever you want to call him,starts to accept the situation..and the healing starts with he actually accept the mental hell the dom is giving to him.....he is done...after all this...depends on the dome...what will be...dom now can give him the way to reach a positive state of mind or he can just let him in to the neutral....but both are peace.

The last emotional trauma....base of this is you dominate the person through humiliation....make him feal pathetic, non worthy...a parasite...bla bla well here comes individual skills as dom....from being no mercy to sweet....depends of how good you are as dom.....Through this way give the emotional balance to the other one.....sound crazy? yes i know.....but its a way we all need for increase the desire of evolving..becoming more then what we were before..normally that you have to know on who you practice it...because if the person has a low selfestime..well..then you caput him for use this humiliation just on a more confident person...who actually is to confident and he is stucked in this have to give the balance,..cutting his wings a little..put him in reality...ha ha ha...yeap...

So..i know that all this looks bad....but actually is not....its a needed thing for all of us....from time to time..when life is starts to seem to shity...and when we forget to appreciate it..we lose the magic of it...then we need a trauma for reminding us....what life is about...what means to be humans on this planet....

I love domination and one can change my opinions about can say whatever you want.....because i know one thing....when the human brain is not prepared to understand things,it will go in you dont understand or you can t percept it right..just stop judging..its not your job....its just that you are not ready to understand..thats all

Kisses guys

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