Domination.....a sexual game or a lifestyle

Domination.....a sexual game or a lifestyle

I'm not bossy, I simply make suggestions without options...and if you don't remember to whom you belong, I suppose I'll have to remind you!

Domination.... First of all…domination is an energy dynamic that flows between two people. The dominant takes the lead role, and guides, enforces, and protects while the other takes the submissive role, because he needs freedom of taking off all the responsibilities he has. Domination is not a game, it's a lifetime relation based on trust and respect…in all forms. It is the universal law of giving and receiving....

A Dom does not just take the control, a Dom has to guide, instruct, encourage, help, support, respect and trust the person who is submitting to her. Not only in the bedroom, in life.... On the edge of fear is where trust can grow. Fear, anxiety, arousal and pain are emotions and sensations, they are neither right nor wrong…good or bad...they are simply passions, a most important part of life... Feel them, fully experience them, surrender to them and learn to accept's not an easy way, but it's an amazing journey!

What I see all over is confusion regarding domination.....domination is shown as a sexual game...or as a sexual fetish or part of BDSM.... Yes and No to BDSM, it's a part where you practice Dom_Sub game...but that's just a Role play not a lifetime relation…it's called…a session.

That's not domination, that's a role game where someone takes control of another the sexual game it uses domination toys and clothes for sexual arousal....but again it's a game…not domination.

Real domination is a mental and emotional's based on feelings like love and fear.... Domination is not just an attitude…it's power that you have inside, and that power is always wanted and admired...everyone begs for it and fights for it, but only some have know why? Because you have to pass through hell to attain comes from the flames of the Phoenix who burned itself so many times just to rise again over and over....domination is the inner power of who you are.

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