Every human being has a monster inside....how we deal with it?

Every human being has a monster inside....how we deal with it?

The evolution of humanity teaches us to hide the dark side of us....is that bad?

Every human being has 2 sides...a good one and a bad one...the angel and the devil....if you remember the cartoons where is showed in a certain moment. Normally when the main character has to take a decision and he is confused about it, on his shoulders appears the angel part of his personality and the little devil on the other shoulder....do you remember? That was not showed random...that’s based on a reality.. we have both...always had and always will.. is part of the balance.. part of who we are.....but exactly as in cartoons.. we are the one with the choice...we decide .

The society in which we are living from centuries teaches us how to control and hide the monster.. the demon part...why? well...for good reasons...so we could live together... normally.... to behave.. so somehow, we are taught how to hide or to control that side...but.....it will always be there...no one, as a human could just eliminate it forever....is that bad or good?

Ok..lets analyze it a little.....

From a big perspective, as a society is needed...but as an micro perspective, as individual is bad....because its like denying a part of who we are, and not denying it....its more....we don t know it.....and that’s bad. We actually don t know who we truly are...and what we are capable of when the monster we have inside take control...we are afraid of it....we are hiding and running from it....ha ha ha....and its funny....hello....to run where? you carry it with you...aaaaaaa...you always have it with you.....he will appear in specific moments...in your head at first...and that’s when you actually can make a decision.. but what you do.. when he just reacts instant at a stimuli? Ohhhhhh....that’s scary.......and we say....omg, I don’t know what happened..i can’t explain....I don’t know why.......and you are freak out.....right?

Yeap...just because...you don’t know yourself...you denied a part of who you are....hopping that you will never have to deal with it.......but you know what? That’s something that you can’t actually control...that can be just an instinctual reaction at a stimulation you have in front...when.. primal part of your brain takes control instantly and just react...surviving mood....

So... what should we do?

Simple.....let it out.....start knowing it.....because when you actually know your dark side...the monster.....its better...then you can say....I KNOW WHO I AM.....

Ok,Ok...but how?

First of all..be sure that you see.. or you know very well who that monster is.....hello...that’s why you hide it.....ha ha ha....because you scared yourself with it....and you decide it to trap it inside of your head...pretending that..nope....never again......and somehow forgot about it....or maybe worse....actually locked...you feed it every day....with thoughts.....nasty or not...but you grow it......you feed it with tiny thoughts....who creates emotions...as frustrations, desires...which are denied...and after..ups...anger....

See why i called doms.. dark healers? because of this.....doms knows how to press buttons.. and to access that part of yours....let it out....to manifest....

Ok....this is it for this blog..in next one I will present how and why......kisses

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