Goddess responsibilities lets start

Goddess responsibilities lets start

As i sad before...domination comes with responsibility power is responsibility not a privilege.....

Power is not something that you can just have on a plate..power is when you actually fight and win your privileges to live your life..not just have it..

Everyone wants the power..to rule the world...heroes and all the package..but how many think about it? how many actually know how is like..to have the power......ha ha ha..its shity actually....but because you don't know how it is..you want it..presuming that is great..ya ya ya..the same story...

OK..lets start with the beginning..lets create an base of what means to be a human being.....starting to learn who we are first....

Humans and not just..actually everything what is alive on this planet have 2 parts:

1.The spirit....you find it in different names and forms..as..soul..energy....but actually is the same thing....i like to talk about it as soul and energy....but its the same.....

ok..examples...human has it,animals has it..plants has it...am i right? see..you can say that a plant has spirit..you say that a plant has energy...right? yeap

2.The form...or body....this is the part what makes a difference bettwen all energyes on this planet..the form in whitxh you find the energy..call it a flower or call it a human body...ha ha ha....its just the cover of the energy....logic

Ok..now...we go in details what makes the difference between things on the planet and bettwen us..makes all unique...

Humans has the energy(soul,spirit) in a cover..called human body and this body has an amazing tool....called brain...ha ha ha

Brain is amazing if we know how to use it...and is a monster if we let it free..ha ha ha.....its like an wiled horse....but...it has power...like nothing else...so.....be responsible and aware of this power. Sounds crazy? yeap..i know..but its actually a normal thing in humans...but..we don t know this part...we dont know how to use this power of our own brain.....ha ha ha..this is stupid....but as you all...im laughing now, im a smart ass...but years ago..i was in the same situation....having an amazing brain, carry it every day..nonstop...but not knowing how to use it in my favor..i just use it...like all of use..presuming that this is the right thing to do...ha ha ha...now sounds funny.

ok ok..i will share how and what..but not in this blog..i share basic things now.....aaaaa..remember what i sad.

so brain is the amazing toll what makes us...creators...but we have the body..and this is the problem....comparing with the brain..the body is the same from the beginning of humanity..didn t changed to much..just little insignificant changings. But as structure didn t....brain did..evolved adapt...neocortex..or new cortex is the superiors brain what humans have now...and didn't had before....

so..we have a superiors brain in the same form of the body....that's the problem ...

Let me explain the part with the body a little..to share the logic....So...body didn t changed i sad...think about..we have the same structure and form...the same number of legs,hands..bla bla..and inside it...the same organs..nothing changed....didn't grown 2 heads on the same neck or 4 kidney...etc...am i right?

So.....step by step ....be patient.. and you will discover how to reach the power of being a human....

Done here....ha ha ha

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