How i became a goddess...

How i became a goddess...

The magic of being a mom.... amazing when you stop fighting with it. You stop fighting at the moment you realize that you are all....and nothing at the same time. The magic of life starts at the moment you realize that no one cares about anything actually, just about themselves... I had it all…but inside I felt so empty…then I looked into the mirror and knew something is missing in this life...something that would make fulfil me...

So, somehow I created you kiddo....a beautiful girl with long curly hair and blue eyes…a little monster who will invade my whole life for good. After 2 years you appeared and because of life changed totally, and you came with no instructions, all I knew was what I felt…that I loved you long before I saw you. So kiddo...I give to you 3 things...the confidence to know yourself worth, the strength to reach your dreams no matter what, and the ability to see love…divine love, with no conditions....How?

Simple…by the power of example. For all this…I will be a mean mom...I will say no every time when I will feel it is needed....hate me for that...but I will love you the same...and all of this will bring FREEDOM to be....the most important thing to have. proud when i look at you.....

I'm amazed that i have created you..and you are so magical...woww....i created are my creation....with you i reached all levels of being ......throw you i reached the ability of giving life......i become a goddess....

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