I am a goddess and i know how to use domination for growing a person...

I am a goddess and i know how to use domination for growing a person...

Because i know what a human is...how the energy, brain and body works...i know how to help a person to grow....leading him and force him ...dominate him.

So...in some videos on youtube i shared basic details about what a mistress,dom,goddess do...and i sad that: mistresses are the ones who works with the body,doms are working with the minde and body and goddesses are working with the body ,minde and soul...

A goddess is the one who has the power..just becouse she reach it throw herself...so she is responsable of it....and normally she is able to teach and help others to find theyr own way for the power they have....becouse as i sad..we are unique..all of us....we have the same path but individual unique details...thats the amazing part beeing a human..and this is the amazing part from beeing a goddess becouse every single person its an unique relation so its a win-win colaboration for both....we grow toghether.

I explaind in the other bogs ..body and brain....as basic information...now i want to share a little bit about the difference af what was a human in the past and what is now..just to explain why we struggle with life..why life become a stressfull thing for us now.

So..as i sad..humans have the body and brain....right?The body remaind the same as always...we have the same body as humans had before but the brain evolved in a new one called neocortex....becouse of this...life is getting to be shity if we are not concious about this infos.

The old brain..was basic...as animals still have...like...reacting just for surviving...now..neocortex evolved in somenting more powerfull..in creation..so we are able,using ower brain to create everything...easy,fast....with ower minde we can do all...in just seconds..isn t amazing?..its wowwwwwwww..ok..this is positive thing untill......ha ha ha..reality hits us...ok ok..brain creats but the body? ups....this starts the problem.....brain is fast..powerfull...but the body remained the same....so....now the problem starts in humanity...now something is not right...with our brain we can but in reality things are different....aaaa..why? just because our body is not able to do things so fast as the brain.....just because of this....and...we don't realize this tiny info..and we think again fast...like ....well i can think but its not working....ha ha ha

It s working if you give time..if you focus....if you are patient with yourself....its working.

As an example.....you want to lose weight.....and you find a way for that.....ok....in to your mind you go fast with your thoughts...thinking ohhh..30 days..fast..i do that that that.....bla bla bla..done.......but...when you start actually doing it..day by day..ups..first day is.....ha ha ha..enough.....am i right? and if you don't have a good reason for that..you will give up fast...why? simple...just because your brain imagined that very easy and fast...but your body is reacting and doing it more slower..needs time...and because you don t give it time..you say its not working..in to your brain all this were faster......right? and you do what? you just give up.......

Was enough for today....we will continue..another time...but just think about all this...start to pay attention how your brain is working...throw yourself....just to see..actual you don't have to do nothing more...

kisses guys...

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