If you think that for me was or is easy....well... you are so wrong

If you think that for me was or is easy....well... you are so wrong

Reality is.....hard to deal with....is when you say stop to everything...fetish

We all dream about a life...easy and simple..and say..ohh..it’s amazing. But when we have it..its boring and...we are unhappy again...Well...humanity, never pleased...never.

Life its all guys...and all means a balance....to see the light shining we need a dark background....to feel happiness we have to know what sadness is....this is it.We all look at another one and through power of example we create an image about happiness or sadness..but..hey...just take a look at yourself...feel what you have inside..what you got...that s your reality..not what you see outside. And you have all...inside....moments when life is shity and moments when life is magic...you really have all in.

Why we need fetish...is it normal to want this craziness of domination?

Yes guys..we all have it inside...all....and believe me,its not a joke...its normality in being a human being..this is the difference between us and other species.

Is domination bad? Or the way that some are practicing it is...?

Domination is art..the same as fetish...Art of manipulation, manifestation, seduction, sensuality and sexuality...all used just to push a person out from his comfort zone. But how many understand it and practicing it in this way..ohhhh..here comes the problem...some looks at..yes its look s interesting and somehow sexy...and ups....bond it to sex and porn...just like that because the mental part and the idea of that game is not understood..normally and from this point...chaos....

It is crazy?...

Depends from who s side you look at...But its just a way of manifesting all what you have inside...forced to push it out and show it to yourself....that's all.

What is the efficiency of all this?...After a session...even if its humiliation...and seams crazy to feel this.....the feeling is that you are so free..omg...

Freedom is the feeling that we all search for....all the time...from Adam and Eve.. the apple give them freedom to be humans on this planet.....and that was seen as the biggest sin.......the deepest feeling that humans are looking for is freedom to be....we had wars for being free when someone caged us somehow....always was and always will be..the need of being free.

But...we don't realize in this century that the one who is caging us is...Us...we trap ourselves inside because we are ashamed to be who we really are in front of the others presuming that we have to act normal....and normality is what we see in others...isn't it ironic? But you are right....to be scared..humans are bad and they judge and hurt, they throw stones in the one who dares to be free to show who he is..i know that better than anyone. Take me as an example...don t fight with them..just take the stones and build your tower..your castle....and be free in it...

Kisses and Happy New Year to all of you

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