I'm angry I guess.....

I'm angry I guess.....

I'm angy yes....because I had to see myself through my kidos eyes.....that's why I am angry on all humans.....

I see something.....our now society is offering us....docs..psychologists...gurus..mystics...shamans..etc etc.....and all of them...all...are teaching how to deal with yourself....with what you have inside...but no one...No one is teaching how to stop being selfish....how to stop being bad to the others....

You have this teaching just in primary school or in kindergarten.....when actually kids are pure...when actually you show who you are.....when actually is not needed....or can be needed as a basic thing to become a human being living in to a society near to the other humans.....but.....its stopping....after 10 years old.....no one is saying to you or explains to you...why not to be bad....the rest are just saying....you are bad..or....blaaaaaaaaaa. But no one actually is teaching this forward.....Why?

Just because now you are grown up? just because you are mature one and you have the free will? and somehow...all what you do is your own responsibility..its your own choice......?????ok...i understand this......but why no one sees....how you...as a mature responsible human being harm the others....just because you are not aware of what you are doing? Ohhhh..now you are mature...you don’t need teaching...right.....

Well....you do.....

So....start looking dear mature human being...start looking about what you are doing...and be aware of it....

Start being actually responsible of what that mind is able to create in to your head...and be aware that if you are able to think about it..that exist...you just created.....you gave the energy..so exist.....

The brain creates thoughts...thoughts creates the energy.......this is how its working...wanting or not.....so stop creating negative energies...just because you believe..or excuse yourself… lie yourself that its not possible....because it is real and possible......and you harm...you harm so bad...

And again ..my problem is that..people like me has to deal with all your stupid creations.....people like me has to sponge all that energy and deal with it inside to transform it in positivity...and its a hell of a job..who puts or creates scars on my soul every time that i have to do it......and for me is not a choice.....because its my purpose....its who i am.....

Just try to wear my shoes one time..one day...and walk with it....always in someone’s hell...just because you have to push him there and after to force him to deal with his demons..and save him..or make him to save himself from that....

Yes..it is his hell....but i have to walk with him there....and yes..i know that road so well..i know how to do it so good....because im doing it all the time....but still.....my feet are burning too on that way....still its harming me every time im walking in...even if its not for me......why? because i am....what i am..that’s why...call it what you want...goddess in domination...dark healer....its the same.....and yes....i have the power..i have all what a god has...but still....i have the human too.....and every walk in to the hell...harms my human....

So..you...the one who is reading.....just open your eyes....and be aware of what you are doing in this life..to the others and to yourself.....

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