First of all...lets know the most common monsters we have inside...lets meet them
As i sad....monsters are the black side of a human being right? but actually is our basic start like that.....our survival instincts....reproduction, feeding and protection.
So..first monster..demon from our human reproduction
Human has it as a need.. primordial need...why? just because we have to reproduce ourselves for continuation and living on this planet as a specie. surviving as one right? so yes is in our nature...the need of sex..the need of sexuality....more advance in male part then in female....this is reality it or not
But why this need of sex is considered a black part or dark ...well just because its hard to be controllable...and can cause bad things for the others....but not just that? The problem appears when we don’t understand our own sexuality.. and we hide it and we are afraid of it.. just because we dont explore it.....Guys...we can t get ride of it..even if we want just let it to be..accept it.....and start to explore it as a know how..where...who that is....what that part can brings...and who you are as a sexual instinct....
Is it the same for all? an act an chemical reaction in our human body yes....but as a mental, emotional....nope....
Thats why..the best advice is to explore it as individual....stop comparing it...and stop copy others......just assume it as yours...its simple..don’t forget..just our mental part makes us this part is included.
How this part can transform us in monsters..ohhhhh...simple.....mental part is so creative...mental is not afraid of it will explore all.....and creates fantasy.. illusions.....different desires and scenarios.....and when it does......can transform us in we control this part?
First of all..brain is an amazing us access to reality is more reality things are lower....thats why always we create a mess..the chaos...because we are not aligned.. mind and body...
As an your head you create a sexual fantasy...which is so amazing...good or bad, that's your choice.....and the emotions from it are so intense....but...if you dare to put that in to have will see that..its not the same...its more lower....but even then.. because you had it so amazing in to your head, as a fantasy...your brain will chose to make you to pretend..and starts confussion...its very just accept that..the action as a fantasy in to your head was different than in reality...why..because the brain is tricky..again protects you from an emotional pain on give you a lie...ha ha ha..just to protect you from the feeling of being disappointed...
Think about crazy and amazing are things that just happen...random....not expected or not comparing with something that you you imagined and when you have it in real...are not exactly how you planed it to happen, and because of get your disappointed feeling......the same path is with sexuality too
Ok..but why we create demons from this? Because we have it as desire...and we stop offering it to ourself to see the reality of things and to neutralize it...we just deny it in real....but accept it in our mental...and more..use it as a sexual stimulation when we masturbate...and and and...the same story i was talking in fetish part..bonding it toxic...and we create an behavior...bla bla....When hormones are invading your body....your basic brain its taking the hard not to lose the control actually..or its hard to can control this part..its like you are fighting with your nature....and if you don’t know that will win......think about seriously how weird or how crazy can humans act when is about different we can be in that i right? So..we create the monster just because we deny it...and with just feed it more..make it grow as desire.....thats why even in domination you have a tactic....called exactly like this..denying....just for that..increasing the desire..and the senses....and make the submissive one to lose control....because through this tactic you just force the body to produce more hormones.....its not random..all has a logic.
Why is good to see this part of who you you react in different situations.. because if you know how your body its responding at can just control your reactions...right? you actually take control of it.....not just reacting instinctively....lose control