Malformation in domination....mutation..

Malformation in domination....mutation..

Omg...always i see this..switch.....heloooo

Ok....a big mistake....switch in domination...that’s the most stupid thing i ever saw or hear..really

Guys..slaves or doms...hellooooo..wake up---base of domination is i right?

How can you get the respect in front of a slave..if you switch with him the can you keep your power if you put yourself in humiliating posts in front of him? confused actually how you can practice this....

How a slave can be a slave in front of a dom..if he humiliate it? This is funny...

So..pls stop with all this bull shit practice..switch in domination. can go in this as a sexual game between 2 partners..i understand this part..but as a real domination relation between a dom and a sub or slave..omg..that’s the most stupid thing i ever saw.

You have to know what the fuck you are....a dom..or a slave...and that’s it

We all need the are right...if the real life is not offering it to you...but not like this..guys....

For me...a mistress who is practicing the switch a slave typology for her nature is submissive..not dominant.....and revers

So my advice is for all of you..start like paying attention about who you really are..not what you like to be....just pay attention and decide what you are...a dominant person or a submissive one......because nature is can t play with it...and if you accept your nature from the beginning is the best life you can ever have...accept it and you will be pleased...

If you create this will always fight with life..always you will be unstable and unhappy....

You are who you are.....2 options....a dominant person or a submissive person from your nature...find what you are..accept it even if you don't like it...and just be..this are the steps for a full life.....


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