Muscle fetish-Sthenolagnia and Cratolagnia

Muscle fetish-Sthenolagnia and Cratolagnia

It's better to be hated for what you are, not loved for what you are not...

Fetish is about experimenting life....not just what you can do as a body..its always more...minde and emotions..all this together defines you as a human being.

Sthenolagnia and Cratolagnia-two words you probably can't pronounce, you certainly did not grow up learning about but now you will know a little more about this glourious world of muscles and the reason why we love strong and powerful persons.It truly is a mesmerizing world once you step in it.

Sthenolagnia is a fetish related to muscle growth. This fetish is found among both males and females but there are a significant number of men who are aroused by strong women who dominate them with their muscles,wrestle them,lift and carry them and all this can go deeper like illustrating different aspects of female strength,muscle worship,fantasies of rape by muscular women,being used as a tool ....

How do you know if you have this fetish?

Well...first of all not everyone is attracted to female muscle for the same reason, it s not just because of muscles and more muscle...Yes, muscles on a human body is very sexy but so is the brute strength, dedication and eagerness to live the life to the fullest. Their socially taboo bodies make you go crazy, watching them use their muscles in a practical way is a bonus but not a LOVE THEIR MUSCLES.

Cratolagnia goes beyond that, its not enough to look at their gorgeous want to see their in action, the strength, the attitude...simply....


So....if you find yourself in something like have it.

You all have to understand that we are intrigued by what is not usual. Social taboos exist because there are certain social phenomena that elicit strong emotional responses from people as disgust, anger, annoyance, confusion and often times, arousal.

Muscles and strength can mean two different things to different people. And somehow we all want that kind of power...we are attracted to it..because they dare to be what they want and most of us don't. we all want the Superman power...but just 1% of us are realizing how super is to be a human being.

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