Reality of thoughts

Reality of thoughts

We all need a story to share...all try to create the most impressive one...but we all need just a real one

With no title…with no idea about an introduction, without a plan or a goal...i just share today's…thoughts


Always this amazing question…why....the base of my evolution…who always pushed me to go forward...why why why...always fucked my mind until I didn't have an answer to satisfy my logic. Magic has no logic, they say, and I always searched for it...logic in things that are without logic.....but somehow I found logic in all....complicated, a multitude of information got logic in to my the result... I had always reached my logic...of course… I didn't stop until I had it....

But...even that part was the hardest one...I pass it and now came another one.....which had to be simple...ha ha...funny....but its exactly reverse....

How to explain all to share...its so simple and clear in to my head…but how to put it in words? Humans are complex creations…they need complex answers they believe...complexity which don't do just to start chaos in our souls…and we think, presume that we know so many but in fact we don't know anything with structure…we just copy and copy information...use them...but the substance of it.....ha ha…we forget this part...

How many of us knows what electricity is? how is created?…a simple thing…we use it non-stop....but how many of us knows what really that is? Tesla discovered it...3…6… simple…so easy....and because of this simplicity...for humans is hard to believe...that's the problem

So.....even if we discover things, and we want to share the simplicity of it...because it's right for all of us to know…the way of sharing the story is becoming hell....

What I'm doing..Kattana Black....I share…like all creators …in my throw domination and fetish language....I create my story of the same basic creation.... I'm not here to judge, show myself, change things... I'm here just to tell this story in an easy way...clear way....and let you all to choose....freedom to be who you want to be... I show this...if you dare to be.

I'm here to show my way of dealing with life...of choosing ....and all this through a goal....but this time…the goal doesn't have a point of stopping…does not have the form of a Galus bell...its unlimited…its forever....what this all means…is my power of choosing when…how what.....its starts and ends…if I want. I'm the creator of my own reality because I dare to be and assume it.... I dare to live

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