Selfishness is the worst demon that a human being can have......

Selfishness is the worst demon that a human being can have......

Humans are selfish....which is the worst demon....

I was waking up early this morning...i guess my usual hour....even if i dont have to im still doing it...with no clock alarm...just my bio rhythm i guess. Waking up in the same time when the life the same time with the sunrise....a good hour, because its like you are part ,aligned with your own life.....

Yesterday i had a confusion bond to my book...asking myself why or how...for what i need to put all down on some papers for someone else to have access to all those information’s i want to share...for who am i doing it? Is it for it for my human ego that that i complete my duty for this this like a point.. an end point to a chapter from my life who has to end throw this book and after flying in some other things more higher then now? Yes....can be this too......but what i saw throw my thoughts...was not just about actually for the others...and somehow i had an inside fight again...between my human and my goddess....the goddess is doing all just for the others and my human wants to focus on things to myself too.....So somehow i guess this is the right have both full the best way..i consider it alignment....

So....why i want this? well.....first of all...yes...its an end for a part of my life who represents a new beginning too......and in the same time is for you...dear reader....for you....the one who just read all this words....thinking.. wtf she is talking about now?

Why for you? well...i just had a revelation....and scared me somehow....i just saw how you all harm the others just because you are selfish humans...or i can just say...normal humans....because every human has this selfishness inside.. of the core.. part of your genetic code....its called i guess auto protection.....but because of this.. harm dear...harm so bad....and my problem is that somehow i end up to deal with all you are harming everyday.......i have to become the monster everyday who is creating mindly the hell in someone else head...just to force him to deal with his own fears.. with his own demons.. witch were created because of you dear reader....

Human life has 2 parts...half of it its a journey of discovering who we are...and discovering what life means for us....but...because of you dear reader....because of every single human being that interfered in this journey of self-discovery, this journey is so fucked influence the growth so harm it....with every selfish word that you are saying to the other.. with your negativity.. and bad thoughts that you have harm another one’s journey.... and all this just because you had the same....the same story repeated in every human life......its called karma? No..this is not karma....this is what we as humans create...its a choice...thats my problem....its not something that you can just excuse yourself using... universe... energy...or esoteristic.... no..its just you..the one who refuse to take a look inside of your eyes and see....the monster you actually are...look at your demons inside...which are so powerful that creates demons in the one you have in front.. or in the one you think about with your negative thoughts.....yes.....
You dont have to be a God to have this power..dear have to be a human..thats enough...and just because you are a human you have this power of creation inside of you..and you actually dont realize it...and you actually are using that power everyday with such a proud.

But do you realize what you are doing? No...i guess not.....and because of will excusing yourself right? are just a human...with good intentions but bad acts.. or reverse.. with bad intentions but good acts...yes right.....i see this so many times overwhelmed....that im feeling powerless.....

What to do? can i stop this? i am a goddess....can i stop humanity from using the power of creation for negative things? can i save other humans from other humans? can not....

Then what to do? just focus on my own be...healthy selfish...and deal with my own healing...with my own evolution...and this is it? Well i fly easily in to my 5 d..i can just stay there....when i feel needed....its actually easy for me to do that.....but i see it as a running.....i see it as i run from a responsibility that i is this? simple.....i have the skill to see all feel all this.. to cure all doing what? keeping it for this the way...what’s the purpose to have all this if i have to be so selfish....what was the purpose to kill myself so many times and rise again as a phoenix...from my own ashes...if i have just to keep it for myself?

No..its clear for me...i have to share...all i have inside.....

And if...just one human...understands all what im saying....i can look in to the mirror and feel proud....i can say to myself...bravoo goddess.....

So dear that one.. today.....

Because you just read....all this...and somehow I opened your eyes..i clicked your now on you cant excuse say..ohhh i didn’t you you are conscious about the power you have inside....use it wisely.....pls

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