Sharing from my experiance as a domm

Sharing from my experiance as a domm

Let me share how practicing domination and fetish by persons who are not prepared can destroy your life.. starting by destroying your sexual life.

Domination and fetish is not a new area....its existing on this planet from the beginning....always was always will be....but we just don't understand it because we don't pay attention a little bit...humans have a skill to copy the gestures ,and the body is assuming it..create an behavior..but we don't realize that we just copy it and not understanding it....we don t know the meaning of the gesture we are copying it.

So....the base of domination is trust....we always need an leader when we don’t know how to deal with something...even if that something is our own life....we need another human being to lead us ...why.?.just because its easier the responsibility is taken by the leader so..its easier for all of us..and if things are not going in the right way..well..we have who to is good...or ohhhhh life is so bad....

So this is the domm s take the responsibility when another person is not able.....

What I’m that people are copying and practicing domination ..ok domination games...bonding to sexual pleasure...and create a chaos....

As an example....are persons who bond the humiliation need with masturbation or bad feeling with an feeling which produce relaxation-pleasure....and in time..the body creates an produce the hormones for relaxation just if he has as stimuli, the humiliation....isn’t it crazy?

I see young people who are doing this..they start looking in virtual at some videos called domination or fetish.....and thats not domination..its just a stupid porn game....but....they look at, seams interesting and start using that image as stimulation for sexual activities....and practicing it like that.....In time they create an behavior to they own body to react sexual just at those kind of a while....that’s the single stimul witch can give the a normal interhuman interaction will not stimulate him....and that's shity guys..he will think that he is ill or unnormal ..and he will hide by step he will destroy his own life just because of this stupid behavior he created.....

Is this behavior reversable? Sure....actually is easy to just change that behavior....but the hard part is to realize what you you created it...if you know this..its easy

So me as a domm...omg..most of my cases were about this.....healing the slaves.....ha ha ha...How? Well....first of all you need to trust and to be sincer in front of the domme..and the domme will know how to discuss, explain..and play with your brain..more like forcing it to reverse the behavior...but in this you need the truth..because the brain will fight back...refussing.. so.. the .domme has to know how to force you and your brain to pass that...the slave reaction is frustration and even more for defensive he go in different blaming or playing victim,starts a drama.....but..for a good domme..this part is easy to be handled....but all starts with the part that both has to be conscious about what they are doing and know well what they want to reach..sound complicated but in the fact is not....


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