Submissivity...let's analyze a little
Some days ago....i just clicked on something that i never realized before...even if I’m a dom...or maybe because I’m a dom and i never ever put focus on this part. Reality is that from the beginning i always confront this problem....people who are calling themselves slaves or subs but in the moment that they actually have to submit...they fail on this part....
Always i thought or analyzed...what’s the i to cruel? do i put them to do things so hard to be done? because all what im asking is something bond to to their fears or life or limits...or or...always is about them somehow...
I thought that its an issue of me..first of all...and after in themselves or..maybe reverse....but still an trust issue......but then i realized....
I realized looking at my daughter...who is started a new training in sports....ok....with a new trainer that she liked a lot....and ok...first day she was enthusiastic.. but from second day...well..things started to get serious and he started to ask from her...more than she was used somehow..she was not so enthusiastic anymore...but still did it....and she is still continuing the trainings.......and i looked at her and i Clicked.....thats it daughter is a dominant she has a dominant confident could refuse all what that trainer is asking from her....but she did not...she submit.....the question was.....why?
I understood why......because she realized from the beginning that was something that she asked...first of all....after she understood fast that is something for her......and that just through all that she actually can achieve her goals....
Even if the training is hard...uncomfortable and all.....and more..unknown....she just trust that is for her......
So that’s it......this is my answer.....that’s why everyone with whom im working... dont submit.......easy as this.....they actually don’t take it in serious...they don’t realize that all this is for them..not for me.... from now on i know what to to discuss this problem from the beginning.....because in to my head all started to be so clear.....
We are human beings....the most complex creations from this universe....with the god s power inside of us....normally that from the beginning we are all dominant right.....submissivity is an act for everyone...its a choice for everyone....not something that we have it from beginning.....its a choice when we realize that the one that stands in front of us is more powerful then us....or more intelligent or more more........something more then what we are......then we submit...ok
Now.....another question...for how long? well...i guess is simple...for how long we need.....its like cocooning.......for how long we need to get our strengtht.....or or or.....
And after? well.....thats a question.....after depends.....from person to person......i don’t know what will happen...but are more than a reaction....they can fight for they freedom......they can just accept to submit.....until one day when they will decide not to submit anymore..or someone will save them....they hope that the dom will die..ha ha no no....ok...these are the extremes...the epic part of the let’s be serious
Until when?......until the submission is serving to their own needs...and after they will be free again...right?’s have a conclusion...
Submission....means what?
submission is actually something that we decide to assume for our until this thing serve to us as individuals we are ok with it.....right? but in the moment this part is not serving us anymore...we fight back with it.....we submit to the dom until that doing actually things for us...right? and after....well...yeahhhhh..... submission actually an real act? forever?.........hmmmmmm.......thats a hell of a question.....and i guess that just time will give me the real answer to this question...because until now.....i actually didn t see a real act of submissivity as totally.......from the beginning......and maybe i will never see....who knows.....lets just live.....and after analyze it...