Submissivity...from a subs opinion - Part 2

Submissivity...from a subs opinion - Part 2

And Andrew continues....

So.....his opinion.....

Submission i don t think needs another's probably is the selfless kind, given freely without condition. For me, my feelings are amplified through when i am being made to submit by a strong woman who knows what she wants and enjoys subjugation. Forcing me to endure her demands..rolled up in my character is a masochistic streak, and a taste for humiliation that is strongly tied to my feelings of submission. It is true i get pleasure from offering a woman a flower but get great pleasure from her accepting the flower and her showing appreciation with a slap to the face!

Ha ha ha....i love this(goddess comment)

I expect that all who have submissive aspects to their personalities experience and think of this side of themselves in different ways, but for me this is the lens i look though. Giving up control to a demanding woman who enjoys taking control..i dream of such a Goddess in my life. I get physical sensations of pleasure just i imagining it...and for a year or so i actually experienced such a lifestyle..but that's probably a topic for another note.

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity will describe how i think i came to see things this way in my next note, but will wait to see if this is going in a direction that you are hoping for, and serves you best !

With my Greaatest Admiration...andrew.

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