The art of domination.....Dealing with the monster,the dark side of a human being

The art of domination.....Dealing with the monster,the dark side of a human being

Lets have the reality of things.....lets meet the monster

Ok..lets start with the beginning.... why we have the dark side...why is good to access it and pull it out.

Every human created like this.. in balance...with a positive and a negative side.. how we determine this depends on what box we put ourself...depends how we see positive and negative....but still...

The dark part of us is actually the basic instinct of survival....something that comes from our nature as humans...something that is part of the 10% of our brain capacity.....its our natural instincts.. animalic one if you like to describe it like it bad? no way.. actually is the one who save us......

If it’s good..why we hide it? ohhhh..this is the problem.....we hide it because in our society...its not needed anymore....or just from time to what we do..with something that we dont use? simple...we put it in a dark place and we forget about it.......its nothing that you can throw away......its something that you must keep.....its like a base from where you a you can’t throw your base....right?

That basic human us...

Human brain to a new one...neocortex....but it still has the basic one....the old brain...and that brain is still active....instincts...and not just...actually is responsible of all....its doesn’t has the creation part....but on that part...including the dark side....which is needed. can t get ride of it....thats for sure....if we want to be.....just death can make us to get ride of it.....ha ha..not funny..but real

The monster..or what we say its the black, dark part of a human is acually ower basic instincts of surviving...witch we can t control how we wish.....thats why is scary..but ironic..its the part that save us and keep us alive always...

So.....base of the monster...are....needs of our needs), food and protection.....ha ha ha..simple as that right? but think about it.....when a human reacts with no control..or not totally control....when the hormones invades the body.....right?

All what now is considered a bad act.....has as a of those....

We can t control those needs..even if we want....we control the action..but body is still uncontrollable.... have that power of have to know yourself very know your monster..ha ha ha...

As an you control your anger? may control the part where you can stop the not react at your anger..or to react with control...but.....tell still have it right? a stupid lie if you say..ohhh i have totally control....ahhhha.....if you believe that..why do you have it?think you don’t let it control that part...but are you able...not to feel it inside? have to be a high level zen full peace.....but..if you are something like are more then a human being....right?

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..and again.....another blog is needed....ha ha ha

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