The art of domination....How we deal with our monster...the demonic part of us?

The art of domination....How we deal with our monster...the demonic part of us?

Why we need a dom for this? Why is this a good thing........

Ok this is a job more for a goddess not just a dom actually....but an good one can deal with it I sad in videos....and other blogs....doms are the once who use body and brain...for can deal with the monster too.....but healing part.. is for a goddess.. who deals with your soul too....

I sad before in videos and blogs....doms are creating traumas....and i explained why its i will not repeat access the monster we all have inside....this is the button

You see...trauma...has a lot of meanings....for some is bond to body...for some is bond to mental...and for some is bond to that’s why domination is an individual individual relation

But let’s focus on this topic to deal with the dark side of us....

First of all...we have to let it out...why? because we have to see with what we are dealing with....right? we can t just presume things....we actually have to see it and feel it.....and after to start to deal with it...

How we let it out....????We don’t know where it is...we don’t know how to access

Yeap.. that’s a joke....ha ha ha....a journey you have to take in your own hell...ha ha ha..scary right?

So.....take your goddess beside....and just follow her...she knows what she is doing.. trust that......she is a goddess because of this....she had her journey in her hell so many times that..that place is so familiar to her..she calls it home...ha ha ha....and its actually an interesting place when you get rid of the fear ....the fear to be...who you are......sounds bad?

Can you make this journey alone.....well..this is a topic....but as an short answer....not need someone to lead....even if you decide to step in it...are certain moments when your own brain will stop you there...and someone has to push you to get out from it.....someone has to guide make you see the make you want to get out from it...because you can just block yourself in your will run from it....hide in this need someone to force you to stay in it..until you see....the reality of all......

Can be dangerous?....well...all is dangerous if you look from this the universe. Even the universe itself is......but.....if you try another angle to look at’s’s actually an amazing to step in to your hell....and to have someone near with you....ha ha ha..dont imagine...that..the goddess it will be your guardian white angel in you hell.... nope.. reverse.. she will be the worse dark angel that you can imagine and be afraid of....she will be the one who will create the worse image of your need...she will be the one who will save you from it...ironic right? she will create the hell for you.. which is actually your own...and she will be the one who will save you..from yourself...ha ha ha...simple as that.

But again...why to do that...for what? And again a funny ironic answer....for free yourself......All this is just for reaching your own be..who you are..not what others sas that you have to..or knows that you are....just for know who you are..all of you....and throw be free to be.....

And again i missed the topic..right? ok ok.....lets focus on that..because im feeling that i scared you now.....reverse to what i wanted.. just to encourage you to step in this.. finding your monster...and knowing know what? actually our monsters are cute....are just some puppies when we dare to know them....and we know how to handle them..and when we dare just to free them.....that part..your dark side.. can be your magic as a human.. full of passion and originality....and we can use it efficient.. in creativity.. because its an original part of unique individual....makes us unique.....

Grrrrr.. I need another blog finish this topic....ha ha ha

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