The difference between sexuality and sex

The difference between sexuality and sex

I actually don t understand why this part is not clear for all of us....

Let s talk a little about this...because all the chaos start from this.... reproduction between 2 individuals from the same species...and that's it....take a look at nature, we are part of it, so we are the same as all, even if we consider that humans are more evolved than other species on this planet.... I love this part, when we consider ourselves more evolved because we compare the human beings with something else...its stupid, isn't it? Like we compare a human with a monkey…ha ha joke....poor Darwin. The things are simple, just our amazing tool called brain is messing all here.....

We are humans…and this is it...we are different from other species exactly like all species on this planet....but with the same right to be. So is just an action...throw it humans can create another human being..... The part where we can enjoy the pleasure is called sexuality.... What sexuality is?...sexuality is a combination of actions of the human body throw which we liberate the sexual energy... Sexual energy is created by is a way for expressing the emotions we have inside the body for another person...

How we express sexuality? Well.....we do it all the time through gestures, voice, moves, touchings...even through smell…and the other person is feeling it even if he doesn't realize it…it's a natural response. Or we can learn the art of seduction...many countries have it as a culture...teaching females how to behave in front of a capture his attention...through dancing, singing, or other different ways. Ok…now the main question... Why?....well....emotions are like a button to the brain....and brain is controlling the body so...body produce hormones automatically when the emotion appears....this can be involuntary act…or can be voluntary for the humans who know their own body…not just from outside...from inside too...because they paid attention how the body reacts to different stimuli .....we can call this evolution in spirituality

The fact is that human body has an amazing gland…called pineal gland....this one is the gland which body has it for the feeling of full relaxation because its produce many types of hormones who gives the sensation of pleasure and relaxation to the body. This gland is called the 3rd eye.... Today the human body is using this gland less than in the past...this is to because our lifestyle where natural instincts are just not used, we forgot about these qualities a human body has....and the pineal its just getting a point even it's not producing anything just because we supply the production of those hormones with it's losing the efficiency of having it. exactly as muscles which are not used…it will go in atrophies. I have a theory that because of this, not using the pineal, we just mess things even in fetish.....and it's becoming a global problem, but this subject is vast, so I will not start it.... My problem is that at this moment sex is practiced as a.... hello...and this is not normal...because in years its losing the meaning and the power...and we will end up as a specie who can't reproduce itself.......we have to stop acting like this…using sex as a daily need…using sex for a fake sensation of relaxation.....I say fake because in time, neither throw sex we will not reach the relaxation always....because this is not the is just for reproduction and that's it....use the pineal gland for relaxation dear's a real way for relaxation...

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