The next common monster....ha ha ha...basic one..primitive

The next common monster....ha ha ha...basic one..primitive

Let s explore the next The need of feeding which creates monsters...

Ok..i know that you thing at this one literally..and yes...even like that we can become monsters....when we feel that we are hungry.....but nope..its not just about this....because now we are evolved as a body has his needs..brain has his own.

First..yes..body need of feeding for surviving....ok...we need food yes....for surviving and yes in different lack of the food we actually are acting strange..and actually become monsters..when our primitive side take our days..this is extreme situations.....because near we have abundance of most of the time...this kind of monster is well feed and explored right? But....when you are on a top of a mountain.. surrounded by ice and all that...and your hunger is invaded are able to eat another save yourself.....and not just

Think how strange we react when we do consciously a detoxification of the body or we go in a diet..omg....we are full of anger..and frustrations....and and and....and somehow even the brain is working against we know what we are doing..its gives more hunger...why?simple...surviving mood again.....but we explored this part so many we are comfortable with the monster what we can be...when we are hungry....even we say to the an excuse for our bad behavior..if we have one...and all it ok....right?

But..the monster what we don t show or expose....created from this basic instinct of hunger...of the need of feeding is the one we trap in our brain is...intellectual one....well.....this is something that we don’t actually show....why? because can go so crazy..that can produce a lot of damage to the we keep it inside..hide it....

As an example.....a scientist who wants to discover something.....can he chose to harm others for his good cause? yeap.....intention is good.. but actions are bad....ok..chaos again...can you control this need? ha ha will say way....maybe he will control his the end the hunger of discovering is so deep..that.....its eating him inside...and....its uncontrollable...and because he kept it will will in all primitive needs....take the control....

So...the same path...just explore your feeding needs.....see what is it all this about.....brain or body..just explore it..and see the reality of the need..and take control of it...feed it right.....

They say..if you dont feed will die....ha ha ha..good joke....nope.....if this primitive need will will die no chance.....and exactly for this you have will win again if you fight with your nature.

Advice...explore it....don’t keep it inside...explore it..see what its offering..and when you see the reality and you know it....exactly like in all...its your choice what or how to use can so many things from it..and transform it in positive....creative...passions....just think about it...

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